地図 出典詳細
国土地理院 標準地図
[ズームレベル 5~8(日本全国とその周辺地域)]
「The bathymetric contours are derived from those contained within the GEBCO Digital Atlas, published by the BODC on behalf of IOC and IHO (2003) (http://www.gebco.net)
Shoreline data is derived from: United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. "Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0)." Bethesda, MD: Denver, CO: The Agency; USGS Information Services, 1997.
[ズームレベル 2~8(日本全国とその周辺地域を除く)]
国土地理院 淡色地図
[ズームレベル 5~8(日本全国とその周辺地域)]
Shoreline data is derived from: United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. "Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0)." Bethesda, MD: Denver, CO: The Agency; USGS Information Services, 1997.
[ズームレベル 2~8(日本全国とその周辺地域を除く)]
Shoreline data is derived from: United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. "Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0)." Bethesda, MD: Denver, CO: The Agency; USGS Information Services, 1997.
国土地理院 白地図
国土地理院 写真
[ズームレベル 9~13]
「データソース:Landsat8画像(GSI,TSIC,GEO Grid/AIST), Landsat8画像(courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey), 海底地形(GEBCO)」
[ズームレベル 2~8]
Images on 世界衛星モザイク画像 obtained from site https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/data_access maintained by the NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), USGS/Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, (Year). Source of image data product.
国土地理院 English
[ズームレベル 5~8(日本全国とその周辺地域)]
「The bathymetric contours are derived from those contained within the GEBCO Digital Atlas, published by the BODC on behalf of IOC and IHO (2003) (http://www.gebco.net)
Shoreline data is derived from: United States. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. "Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0)." Bethesda, MD: Denver, CO: The Agency; USGS Information Services, 1997.